Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Steve Jobs Death And The Mac

First off, condolences to Steve Jobs' family.  Anyone who has dealt with illness and death of a loved one (which is just about everyone) knows the pain that comes from watching them slowly pass away.  Steve Jobs' death was met with a lot of eulogies for the inventor of the Mac and Apple TV, but the most important thing is that Steve Jobs' family lost a father, husband, and son.

Steve Jobs' death left me thinking about his impact on my life.  I was in the sixth grade the first time I ever programmed a computer.  It was either 1991 or 1992 and we were using the old Apple 2E computer (at least I think that was the name of it).  The computer used the old floppy disks.  The ones that were actually floppy.  You turned the disk over to the "B" side and could create your own programs.  It was a lot of fun.  Back then the Dallas Mavericks were awful, and my classroom partner and I programmed a Maverick shooting an airball.  Good times.

But I never got to show off that work of art because within a couple of months Apple came out with the Mac.  It was a totally different way to look at computers, and it really ushered in a new era of technology.  Ever since I left high school I have not used a Mac, but I am extremely appreciative of the Mac and what it led to.

Other than an iPhone and iTunes, I haven't used many Apple products.  I'm still waiting to use Apple TV for the first time, but it probably won't be long.

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